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Returns the number of seconds until a withdrawal is finalized for a given withdrawal hash. Will return 0 if seconds would be negative.

import { publicL1Actions } from 'op-viem'
import { createPublicClient } from 'viem'

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  chain: mainnet,
  transport: http(),

const seconds = await getSecondsToFinalizable(publicClient, {
  l2Chain: base,

Return Value

Returns a number representative of the seconds until withdrawal finalization.


l2chain (optional)

  • Type: OpStackChain

The L2 chain to deposit to.

optimismPortalAddress (optional)

The address of the OptimismPortal contract where the readProvenWithdrawals call will be made. MUST be specified if l2Chain not passed.

l2OutputOracleAddress (optional)

The address of the L2OutputOracle contract where the FINALIZATION_PERIOD_SECONDS call will be made. MUST be provied if l2Chain is not.


  • Type: Hex

The hash of the withdrawal